Professional science and health journalists, writers, editors, and producers with at least five (5) years of experience are invited to apply for a fellowship in the Logan Science Journalism Program. Please read full eligibility guidelines here.

The program will be held May 18-28, 2025 and the deadline to apply is January 15, 2025.

An online application link will be posted here by November 15, 2024.

You will be asked to submit the following supplemental materials within your online application. (Please do not submit these materials until the 2025 application period opens.)

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Statement (not to exceed 600 words) describing your journalistic experience and professional goals, and explaining how this fellowship will benefit your career.
  • Brief description of prior scientific laboratory or research experience.
  • Four samples of your science writing and editing (text, audio, video, or multimedia). Samples must be in English (can be translations). At least two samples should have been published within the prior two years. Broadcast samples should be 30 minutes or less. Editors or broadcast directors are asked to include brief descriptions of their involvement with each sample.
  • The names of two references. If possible, one should be a current or recent supervisor of your professional work.